
Homily for the Feast of the Holy Trinity, 26 May 2024: DJC

Heavenly Father, You so loved the world that You sent Your only Begotten Son to be one of us, not to condemn the world but to redeem the world. Before Your Son went to the Cross to destroy the power of sin and death, he prayed to You. And in this prayer he said that before the foundation of the world, before anything was ever made, he shared Your glory as Your only begotten Son. This love You have for Your Son, this glory You give to Him, is the Holy Spirit. This same love and glory Jesus gives to us so that we may be one, as You and the Son are One.

Homily for Sunday 29C, 16 October 2022: Exodus 17:8-13; Luke 18:1-8

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray constantly and never lose heart. Today’s Gospel offers us a strong lesson about prayer, especially the prayer of petition for what we want, or need. Don’t be discouraged! Don’t lose faith! Don’t give up! The Lord wants to be asked; he hears; he responds; he is generous in giving.

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Lent 2C, Sunday 13 March 2022: Luke 9:28-36

What is the Transfiguration? It’s a confirmation of the identity of Jesus as God’s Son: confessed by Peter (Lk 9:20), predicted by the prophets, prefigured in the law. The prophets are represented by Elijah, the law by Moses. The 3 chosen witnesses stand for all the Apostles, and for the whole Catholic Church.

Homily for Easter 7A, 24 May 2020, John 17:1-11

In the days between the Ascension and Pentecost, the Church offers for our meditation the 17th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel. The choice is a happy one, for the great Priestly Prayer of Jesus is especially well suited for these days. In the light of the mystery of the Ascension, this prayer points towards our heavenly destiny, and unveils…