We are publishing talks and handouts from the 2022 Oblate Summer Retreat, given by Fr. Stuart Chalmers.
Lenten Retreat 2022: Fr. Abbot's homilies (mp3) and new oblate photos
Dear Oblates,
Here are the Talks that Fr. Abbot gave in this year's Oblate Retreat for Lent (click here) and photos of the new Oblate being congratulated (click here).
These have been held up by falling trees knocking out the livestreaming and then covid "knocking out the monks"!
Blessings and prayers,
Fr. Martin
Oblate events 2021-2023
Coronavirus precautions at Pluscarden (V)
Fr. Abbot is back! And very happy indeed to be back! He departed, "just for a few days", shortly before the National lock-down was announced, on Wednesday 17 March. He arrived back home at last, both safely and legally, on Friday 3 July. For the time being, though, just to be sure that he does not bring…