The Dunbar Vestry — Pluscarden Abbey

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The Dunbar Vestry is a curiously placed addition to the Church building that nestles between the Choir and the North Transept. It is a late construction and has been attributed by some authorities to the last pre-Reformation Prior, Alexander Dunbar; in fact the Dunbar arms appear upon the roof-boss. A stair within the wall gives access to the room above and to the clerestory of the Church. Curiously, a sepulchral slab has been used as the lintel of the communicating door to the Church and this memorial stone, conceivably of the 13th century, may well be the oldest monument surviving in the Abbey today. The Dunbar Vestry was restored in 1987.

The Abbey community is currently planning the restoration of the West Wing, with the object of better provision for guests and retreatants who come to stay at the abbey.

Souvenirs may be purchased at the Abbey Gift Shop. If the visitor is tempted, he will have the satisfaction of knowing that he has not only acquired a worthwhile token of a visit he is never likely to forget, but also that he has helped in a small way the life of work of this community who are dedicated to the worship of God and to the rehabilitation of this ancient monastic house.