Donate with Just Giving

"Please scroll down to the bottom to see how to avoid the JustGiving 15% surcharge."

How to donate, without any extra costs, via JustGiving

The donations Box on this page marked “Donate with JustGiving” offers a convenient way of sending money to the Monastery.

For UK taxpayers who fill in the appropriate boxes, JustGiving will automatically add a 25% Gift Aid top-up to the donation.

The Company claim not to charge a platform fee, but in fact they add a 15% surcharge to every donation received. They call it a “tip”.

Benefactors who may not wish to pay this tip do not need to do so.

Please note that at the end of JustGiving’s transaction dialogue, there is a slide, enabling you to reduce your tip to only 10%. But below that there is a line “Enter custom amount”.

Click on that. You will find some reasons put before you to give a tip to JustGiving. But if you so wish, you can enter a figure in the box they provide: £0.00.

That will be accepted, and your donation will all come to the monastery, without any extra costs!