
Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 14B, 4 July 2021: Mark 6:1-6

St. Mark tells us in today’s Gospel that in Nazareth, Jesus “could work no miracle”. This certainly cannot mean there was any absolute limitation to Jesus’ power. St. Mark records him elsewhere healing lepers, giving sight to the blind, driving out demons, raising the dead. In Mark’s Gospel Jesus rebukes the storm and it ceases; he walks on water; he twice multiplies loaves. He is put to death, and three days later he rises again, as he said he would.

Homily for Sunday 13B, 27 June 2021: Mark 5:21-43

The interwoven story of the daughter of Jairus, and the woman with a haemorrhage, is told by St. Matthew in 8 verses; by St. Luke in 16 verses; and by St. Mark in 22 verses. We’ve just heard St. Mark’s account. It’s marvellously well told: full of humanly interesting little details omitted by the others. Of the three versions we have, St. Mark’s is by far the fullest, most lively, most dramatic, most immediate.