A significant recent acquisition of the community is a beautiful new (relatively) tractor for our garden. Its predecessor defied all efforts to get it functioning quite some time ago, and has been much missed. This new machine is definitely welcome, and also a great improvement: especially with its front loader. So it can lift things up and move them about; it can cultivate, and rotivate, and plough, and harrow, and mow, and trim a hedge, and carry, and pull, and doubtless achieve many other useful tasks besides. Br. Thomas is in charge of our garden nowadays, and is most grateful to have this help!
Included with this little news item is a recent picture of our resident sculptor Philip Chatfield working on St. Joseph. The plinth, designed and carved by Philip is already in place: incorporating as it does a small stone from Val des Choux, the founding house of Pluscarden in 1230. Once the statue is finished and in place there will be a public blessing ceremony, and then, please God, all work on St. Joseph's guest house for ladies will be completed.