Progress re-building the Lodge

The front of our Lodge House has been lying in ruins for a long time now.

Various factors contributed to the lack of progress there.

But now at last things are moving.

In marked contrast to the huge firm of Robertsons Builders, who put up our new guest house, this work is being done by our old friends Colin Thomson and Son. They are literally two men and a dog. The dog may not be much help to the building operation: but being a Spaniel, he never once gives up hope that someone - anyone - might throw a ball or stick for him to recover.

At the time of writing snow is impeding further work: but new foundations and a floor have been completed. Also completed is an inner concrete front wall, with concrete door and window lintels in place. This wall will be faced with the former stones, all in their original positions: but much more securely so than before!

Happily for us, the listed terms of Insurance cover included the undermining of walls by water. So our Insurance Company has agreed to pay most of the necessary cost of this re-building.

We include a picture of the back of the house, just to demonstrate that this remains perfectly intact, and does not require any building work.