25 September 2024: the 50th anniversary of the Abbatial Blessing of Abbot Alfred

Wednesday 25th September this year marked the 50th anniversary of Pluscarden’s attainment of Abbatial status. In mediaeval times Pluscarden was always a Priory, ruled by a Prior. He had the right to use a crozier, but not a Mitre. But on this day in 1974 Dom Alfred Spencer, up to then Prior of Pluscarden, was blessed as Abbot by Bishop Michael Foylan of Aberdeen: and so Pluscarden became an Abbey.


25 September also happened to be the day Abbot Alfred died in 2001.


So the present community this year celebrated the Anniversary of the first Abbatial Blessing with a Mass at 10.00, and a Te Deum of thanksgiving sung at Vespers; but we remembered Abbot Alfred himself at Mass with purple vestments, and texts and chants for the dead.


Abbot Cuthbert Brogan of Farnborough Abbey, our Abbot Visitor, joined us for the occasion. He took the opportunity officially to close the Visitation begun in June. At that Visitation he was assisted by Abbot Paulinus Greenwood of Chilworth Abbey. Dom Paulinus would have joined us also for this occasion, but sadly was unable to come, having been struck recently by covid.


The Visitation in June had one outstanding feature: the offering and acceptance of the resignation of our Abbot Anselm. (https://www.pluscardenabbey.org/newsandevents/2024/7/1/resignation-of-the-abbatial-office-by-fr-abbot-anselm). The Visitors felt then that the community needed time to adjust to its new circumstances, so they left the Visitation open. In the meantime the community has been governed by Fr. Giles, acting as Prior Administrator. Now the Visitors have decided it will be good for us to proceed to the election of a new Abbot as soon as possible.


This cannot take place immediately, because our brethren from Petersham need to cross the Atlantic to participate. It seems likely this will take some weeks to arrange. No date can therefore be set for the election at this point. Probably, and God willing, it will take place some time in November. In the meantime, Fr. Giles remains at the helm. As we prepare for the election of a new Abbot, the prayers of all our friends and well wishers are very much appreciated.