Haydn's Creation

The concert performance of Haydn's Creation duly took place in Pluscarden's Transepts on Saturday 7th of September. Space being extremely limited, every available seat was snapped up well before the day. Some people were even prepared to sit throughout in the Chapels of the main Church, on the other side of a separating wall, just to enjoy the sound of the music wafting gently through. One or two brethren cheated by occupying the clerestories far above everyone's heads!
Most of the performers - there were fully 100 involved - gave their services gratis, on our behalf.
This event was planned and put together by Brian Smith, who conducted, and David Broadfoot. David for the past few years has acted as administrator and manager of the many and various activities connected with our new building on the South West of the Monastery site, St. Joseph's guest house for women. This was his last event for this cause: celebrating the near completion of the Project.

The soloists for the occasion were Kathryn Arnould, Soprano, Joshua Baxter, tenor, and Andrew McIntosh, Bass. Alexander Davidson on the violin led the orchestra.