Annual Rogation Procession

The Pluscarden community continues to maintain the tradition of a rogation procession on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before the Ascension. These processions seem to have originated, for the Roman Rite, around the 5th century. Traditionally they had a penitential character. Now the emphasis is more on prayer of petition: especially asking God's blessing on growing things. So: even with diminished resources, we go on procession singing the litany of the Saints, with the attached intercessions to follow; we carry in procession some relics of Saints, and we sprinkle holy water on surrounding crops and areas of garden.

Sometimes bad weather prompts cancellation. This year, happily, we were able to process on all three days, according to custom.

May the Lord grant us all food to eat in the coming year, and prosper the work of our hands in that cause.