BBC4 television will broadcast a one hour film about Pluscarden Abbey on Wednesday 25 October at 9.00 p.m. The title is: "Retreat - Meditations from a Monastery."
The genre of film is "Slow TV". So there is to be no dialogue at all, and no commentary.
“Filmed with an eye to the beauty and peace of the ancient surroundings, the film has a painterly quality that creates a feeling of restfulness and quiet contemplation. And by focusing on the natural sounds of nature and the peace of the abbey we have created a meditative soundtrack that adds to this unique experience.”
The programme will be part of a series of three, shown on successive nights. Downside Abbey will feature on Tuesday 24 October, and Belmont Abbey on Thursday 26th.
Watch the film at
There is also a BBC Radio 3 series accompanying this programme: Meditations from a Monastery, from Radio 3's Slow Radio project.