Br. John Baptist expressing his farewells and thanks at Chapter
Br. John Baptist and Br. Joseph Eymard
On Thursday 1 September 2016 the two Vietnamese monks who have been at Pluscarden for the past two years returned to their own monastery of Thien Phuoc. Brs. Joseph Eymard and John Baptist are the second pair from Thien Phuoc we have hosted for a period of two years.
Throughout their time at Pluscarden they have edified all by their commitment to monastic observance, assiduously attending the whole Divine Office each day, and all the other community exercises.
In the area of manual work, Br. Joseph Eymard showed himself to be a truly excellent cook. Br. John Baptist is a talented musician and artist. Both also worked in the garden and refectory, as needed, and proved themselves to be invaluable additions to our community. They will both be much missed here.