Dom Dunstan Robertson's Silver Jubilee

On Friday 12 February 2016 Dom Dunstan Robertson celebrated the Silver Jubilee of his profession, having made his first vows on 12 February 1991.

He is pictured with Fr. Abbot Anselm and Bishop Hugh; also with his sister Georgiana.

Fr. Dunstan's present assignment is at Pluscarden's dependent monastery of St. Mary's Petersham, Massachusetts. Sadly, his visit home for the Jubilee celebration also had to include his mother's funeral. Attending that, Fr. Dunstan was able providentially to spend some time helping with the care and support of his father.

In spite of the lenten season, a joyful Jubilee Mass was celebrated, at which the Jubilarian renewed his Benedictine vows of stability, conversion of life and obedience: "with gratitude and joy for the past, with humble confidence in the future, relying on the mercy of God and the prayers of my brethren."