Christmas services 2015

Photograph by Peter Chalmers

Sunday 20th December

Normal Sunday timetable.
Thursday 24th December - Christmas Eve

9.00 am Morning Mass of 24th December.

Thereafter, times as for normal weekday except:
4.15 pm 1st Vespers of Christmas (no Benediction or Compline)
10.15 pm Sung Vigils of Christmas (sung), followed immediately by
12.00 Midnight Mass.

Friday 25th December - Christmas Day

8.00 am Dawn Mass (said in English)
11.00 am Third Mass of Christmas (sung in Latin)
Then normal Sunday timetable until:

4.30 pm Vespers, Benediction and Compline

Saturday 26th December - Feast of St Stephen

10.00 am Sung Mass in Latin
4.30 pm Vespers & Benediction
No public Compline

Sunday 27th December - Feast of the Holy Family

Normal Sunday timetable.

Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th December

0900 am: Mass. Benediction follows Vespers at 5.15

Wednesday 30th December

Normal Weekday timetable.

Thursday 31st December

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from Sext until Vespers.
5.30 pm 1st Vespers of Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
Te Deum at Benediction.

Friday 1st January 2016 - Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

Mass at 10 am.
Vespers and Benediction at 4.30 pm.
No public Compline.
Sunday 3rd January - The Epiphany of the Lord

Normal Sunday timetable
Announcement of Movable Feasts, Blessing of the Magi (Cellarer, Sacristan, Infirmarian) and of the Epiphany Cake at 10am Mass.

Wednesday 6 January

Vespers at 4.30
No public Compline.