“Nothing Dearer than Christ”Oblate letter of the Pluscarden Benedictines, Elgin, Moray, Scotland. IV30 8UA. Ph. (01343) 890257 fax 890258
Website www.pluscardenabbey.org DMB series No 17
and Easter, Spring--2013
Monastic Voice
of sixty-six years ago at Pluscarden:-
“My Dear Oblate,
I promised to talk
about prayer. I still hesitate to plunge. These waters are deep. Yet, it still
remains that prayer is an art, a thing to be learned in much the same way as we
learn all natural things; by thought and by effort. But indeed since prayer is also essentially
supernatural, it is therefore easier than any natural "art.” Natural art
depends upon man’s natural talents. Not everybody can become a pianist or a
painter because God never intended that everybody be pianist or painter. But He
intends that everyone should be a pray-er. What God intended us to be, we can
be. You can be a pray-er. I will go further. In so far as you are not a
pray-er, in so far you are a failure in life. Hard words you might think but I
fear plain, simple truth. .
My first task then is to bring
home to you this deep and vital necessity for prayer--not for prayers. Does
that sound odd? Possibly. When later we
have more clarified what prayer means, you will see why we often play upon the
words "prayer" and "prayers". It is possible to say many
prayers without ever falling into prayer. It was to this Our Lord referred to
when He warned against much speaking in prayer.
Why do I say that in so far as you
are not praying, your life is failing? When in doubt, look up your catechism.
Why did God make you? To know Him, love Him and serve Him. Any part of your
life that cannot be included under one of those three headings is waste. Does
this mean every time I wash dishes I am wasting my time unless I am praying all
the time I wash the dishes? Can I never go to a cinema or a dance anymore,
because these don't seem to connect up with knowing God or loving God or
serving God? Well to answer this let me reverse it. When you are washing the
dishes do you regard this as something quite apart from God? When you go
dancing, do you think that God is not particularly interested or possibly not
aware? I suppose your real answer to such questions is that you have never
given them a thought. I mean that when
you go to a dance you go to a dance. You are not particularly aware of God
beforehand or during it or after it. But I do want you to analyse your day,
your work and your amusements. God is aware of them. God loves you and is
willing to love everything you do. St. Paul says quite definitely “Whatever you
do, whether you eat or drink or sleep, do in charity”, and charity is love. In
all that you do, it is possible to serve God. The way to do it is to immerse
the things you do in prayer. You are
Oblates. You have promised or are in training to promise to bring your life
into line with St. Benedict's Rule. In the first paragraph of the prologue you
will find St. Benedict instructing you about what to do before you begin any
work at all ; and by work he just means any action. I leave it to you to look
up the Rule for yourself.
Let us turn to a practical suggestion.
Obviously what we require is the thought of God returning steadily through the
day to the mind. Then when the thought returns, seize on it and dedicate the
present action whatever it is quite deliberately and consciously to God. We
will say something in later letters about the best way of doing this, which is
through Mary. For the moment I merely mention it.
Now it is surely obvious that the
business of the remembrance of God through the day is a thing that can be built
up by natural effort. We can think up devices, tricks of the trade, so to speak
will help. Some people for instance learned when they were young at school to
say a certain ejaculation whenever the clock struck. When l was young and first
realising the necessity of prayer, I used to put six small stones in my
right-hand pocket. The feel of the stones reminded me to say a prayer. Daft
maybe but it worked. My point is that you can do something for yourself
and just wait for God to work a miracle and make you a pray-er. He gave your
wits to be used for just such things as well as for earning your living.
To return to Holy Rule, which I
remind you is supposed to become your guide, you will find St. Benedict
recommends frequency in prayer. You should frequent prayer as some people
frequent pubs. At the back of the book of statutes(1957) you will find the very
brief Office.(“The Little Office”-see last Oblate Letter, DMB-substitute for
Morning & Evening prayer of the Divine Office if too hard!) It hardly takes
a -minute to say. Its value lies in the fact that it is to be said several
times a day. Learn it. Find some way of dividing your day into seven
parts" Then build into this habit of reciting the Oblates’ (“Little”)
Office (as opposed to our presently
recommended Morning & Evening prayer of the Divine Office unless this is
too hard.) Is that asking too much of people who are so anxious to be
supported by the prayers of Monks? I will be interested to hear your views on
all this, especially if it simply puzzles you.
Sincerely yours in St Benedict,
Maurus O.S.B.
“Community Notes(1957)
Building has broken
out at the priory again. Not much, 3 or 4 men and a minimum of scaffolding. May
be it's an exaggeration to call it building. It is chiefly pointing for the
sake of preservation. But it’s still something that needed to be done. We still
await news about our hope for a grant to replace the worn-out roof on our
Living Quarters. These things take a long time and it looks as if the tin
patches and the tarpaulin sheet must do duty for the coming winter.”
“The Life of St. Benedict by Gregory the Great”-
translation and commentary. –byTerence Kardong. This work is so often
overlooked and ignored but should not be by any serious oblate. Entering into
the spirit of the dialogues, Fr. Terence offers us a lucid translation and a
sensible commentary that explores the meaning of this spiritual classic. His
vast knowledge allows him to link the text both to the Scriptures and to the
spiritual tradition. His typical enthusiasm underlines the importance of St.
Benedict’s spiritual development. Fr. Terence’s clarity makes this work
accessible to anyone interested in the spiritual life.” Dom Henry Hagan
OSB—Collegeville, Minnesota, Liturgical Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-8146-3262-8
Lent with St. Benedict
by Bede Frost—“This classic work republished in a new and
updated version, is addressed to Christians living in the diverse, secular
world outside the monastic community.£26.74(new)
From The
Oblatemaster’s Desk
Peter Aitken, convener of our
Glasgow Oblates’ meetings got in touch with me recently (as he does regularly)
and told me the good fortune of his treasure trove. An Oblate friend had made
available to him all the Oblate Letters of the late Fr. Maurus, of blessed
memory, may he rest in peace. He was offering them to me ( I said “YES!”) in
batches as he re-read them himself. “A full measure will be poured into your
lap..” Here was I wondering what would cross the Oblatemaster’s desk when lo and behold –Presto!
Many sudden and unexpected things
have crossed the tablets of our minds, perforce, these last few months and
weeks, not least the end of the papacy of Pope emeritus Benedict xvi for whose
papacy we have just sung a Te Deum today at the Abbey on the 28th of
We have had many other things
challenging in their way both at home and abroad recently; I say challenging,
why? I say challenging because they are like the summons of the Lord to us as
to the first disciples to “ Stay awake!” and pray with him for one hour. (
Later today and tomorrow, on our day of Recollection, we are having a Holy
Hour.) I say “challenging” because we as Monks and Oblates are being challenged
to actually do what we are meant to be doing all the time—praying. Raising our
hands and our hearts and minds to the Lord on behalf of the Church as of
This is a happy privilege for us!
It is always a wonderful thing to be asked to do what we ought to be doing
anyway. The Lord always gives us the grace to do what we ought to be doing;
what a happiness!
And so it is a doubly happy providence
that has made Peter Aitken’s eye and my eye light upon this Oblate letter on “Prayer”
–one of many—offered by Fr. Maurus 66 years ago, may he rest in peace!
Events: Pentecost
Lectures 21st -3rd May.
Caldey Conversion has been commemorated with several days of prayer culminating on 5th
March with a Celebration Mass with buffet lunch and “Gaudy” for the community
in the evening. We Oblates of course are especially marking it in August—see
Carved, stone reliefs have been fashioned either side of
the squint in the Church to commemorate the conversion at the Island of Caldey
100 years ago—one of Caldey & one of its monastic predecessor, Llanthony,
where Our Lady appeared—more in a subsequent oblate Letter.
NB--There is a plan
afoot that our Oblate pilgrims in August bear with them a gift to the present
Cistercian monks of Caldey, a gift of a stone statue of their heavenly patron,
St Samson*(not the Biblical one) 2ft 6in. high costing £2,000. If you want to
contribute then please send your contribution to The Cellarer, Br. Michael at
our Abbey address (see head of the letter)
*St. Samson--Memorial
28 July. Welsh nobility. At age seven, Samson was sent to the abbey of Llanwit
Major in South Glamorgan for instruction by the abbot, Saint Illtud. Ordained
in 512. Retired to a small monastery on Caldey Island to deepen his prayer
life; later chosen its abbot. Around 516, Samson travelled to Ireland with some
Irish monks, hoping to learn from them. However, Samson soon gained a
reputation for holiness, and many came to him for prayers on their behalf.
Uncomfortable with fame, Samson returned to the anonymity of Cornwall. St.
Samson was made Bishop in 520, ordained by Saint Dubricius. Soon after, Samson
received a vision from God telling him to evangelize Brittany. He and some
monks there established a monastery at Dol that later became the center of a
new diocese. Samson spent the rest of his life in Brittany, gaining renown for
wisdom, holiness and dedication, and is regarded by many as one of the greatest
Welsh saints.
Born c.490 at south Wales Died 565 at Brittany
of Faith Lectures on Vatican ll : Lectures after Mass at the usual times.
(9 March 2013) Nostra Aetate, The Declaration on the Relation of
the Church to non-Christian Religions; Dignitatis humanae, The Declaration on
Religious Liberty.
5. (20 April 2013) Dei Verbum, The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.
6. (18 May 2013) Gaudium et Spes, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.
Please register if you are interested in attending any of these lectures, either online via the Abbey website, or by writing to Dom Benedict Hardy OSB at Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin IV30 8UA.
5. (20 April 2013) Dei Verbum, The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.
6. (18 May 2013) Gaudium et Spes, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.
Please register if you are interested in attending any of these lectures, either online via the Abbey website, or by writing to Dom Benedict Hardy OSB at Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin IV30 8UA.
The 3rd National Oblate Retreat, open to all
oblates of whichever abbey, is at Douai Abbey 10th- 12th
May 2013—cost £140, deposit £40. Also
see the Oblate Team’s website. Bookings:- For more information and for bookings please
contact Stephen Day via email: day.sjATvirgin.net
AT=@ or by telephone 01453 860367.
Pentecost Lectures May 21st-23rd!--NB
The Next Oblate Congress(near Rome!) is October 10th
to the 14th 2013. UK
monasteries have been allocated 13 places at the World Congress of Oblates in
Rome 10-14 October 2013 where the theme is 'Obsculta - the Oblate listening in
the World'. We have applied for a place. Three from Pluscarden have applied for
this place.
of THE 2012
27th to 30th . Martin Gardner is making a dvd of the whole thing and you can get your
copies from him if you simply mail him at:- Dunmoir,18 Gurney St., STONEHAVEN,
Kincardineshire, AB39 2EB or email him
at martinATguardair.co.uk
(AT=@)) all he asks is that you make a donation to the Abbey!—Thank you
from all of us to Martin Gardner. (He’s still re-vamping Fr. Martin’s
OBLATE, ON THEIR BEHALF: Now looking ahead.... 2014: the
Prinknash Annual Oblate Day, Sunday 13th July. I have received permission
from the Abbot to suggest the following (which we successfully did with 8
Oblates from Kornelimunster last year).8 Oblates from Pluscarden join the
Oblates of Prinknash for their Annual Oblate Weekend - 2014.They would fly
down to, say, Birmingham, on Saturday 12th July. We will collect them in
a minibus and take them to Brownshill Monastery, the home of the Cistercian
sisters - where they will be staying. In the afternoon of Saturday they
will be taken on a conducted tour of Gloucester Cathedral (once a
Monastic Abbey and featured in the Harry Potter films!). On the Sunday
the Oblates will be taken by minibus to Prinknash for 10.30 Conventual Mass
where we renew our oblations and there may be new oblates making their
oblation/being clothed etc. After Mass they will gather with
all our oblates in the grounds of our Abbey and enjoy lunch and a talk
later in the afternoon by one of the Oblate masters. On the Monday
morning there will be a tour of St John Baptist Church in Cirencester - a local
church very worthy of a visit. After lunch back at Brownshill, if there
is time, perhaps your Oblates would like to give a short presentation of their
life to us, before being taken by minibus back to the airport for
flying north. The invitation is open to 8 Pluscarden oblates and they will be
responsible for arranging their own flights (although it will be helpful if
they could all arrive on the same flight) and the cost of their stay for the
two nights at Brownshill (I can find out how much it is nearer the time).
All other expenses will be taken care of. On behalf of all our oblates, and the
community at Prinknash, I do hope that this invitation will be well received.
Kindest regards and prayers
Pam (Morey)----(If you’re
interested I’ll forward your details to Pam, Fr. Martin)
Prayer Intentions For vocations. Br Gabriel’s mother and Br. Antony’s father, who
are ill and the failing health of a number of the brethrens’ parents.
Br. Matthew helping at St. Mary’s Petersham for 1 year. For Sister Scholastica
of Ryde Abbey—new Oblate Master. Sr. Claire see below.
Our new Oblate: Mrs Marie Alice St Teresa of Avila Cumming.
Please pray for emeritus
Pope Benedict & his successor, and
please pray also for Cardinal Keith Patrick,. Please pray for sick Oblates
especially for Sarah Drever’s husband Leslie, Mrs. Gertrude Corker’s two
daughters, for Bob
Barr, Brian Milne, Mary Buist, Gail Schmitz, Beth Fraser & her husband Chris, Marie Claire Hérnandez, Bob Clark, Nick Macrae’s son, Martin Macrae,
Dr.David Paterson and his wife Angela, Jacqui’s daughter, Sally, Deacon
William Joss, Mary Roche, Poppy Sinclair, Ian Brodie, Carolyn Boardman, Val
Farrelly, Eugene Fernandez, Pauline Reid, David Braine, philosopher, Susan
Stephen and all friends of the Abbey and for all oblates, friends & the
sick, and those who care for them. For Sr.Claire of Ryde Abbey (retiring as
Oblate Master) better health.
The OBLATE WEEKEND 2013 2nd to 5th August on CALDEY
ISLAND (WALES!)Principal speaker Fr. Aelred Baker of Prinkash; expert on the
origins. This is to commemorate 100th anniversary of the conversion
of the Caldey community. There are 20 places & those intending coming are :-1.Fr
Aelred Baker,2. Fr. Giles Conacher, 3. Fr. Martin Birrell,4. Joan Kilmurray,5.
George Brown, 6 Hester Du Plessis,7. Marie Cumming 8.. Rebecka Winell-Reid, 9
Michael Blair, 10..Martin Gardner,11. Leonora Duson, 12. Margaret Kessack + 7
from Prinknash---13 Pam Morey, 14.Stephen Day, 15 Christina Caldwell, 16. Mary
Jones, 17. Robert Jones, 18 Trish Kirby, 19. Terry Kirby--- which as you see
makes 19 places and indeed there are 20
places ( one has dropped out) BUT we shall not immediately take up one of the
long leet names because four of the twenty places are for
monks in the monastery so the extra place will be for a monk –probably another
from Prinknash if one is forthcoming. After that “ dropouts” will release a
place from the long leets! But—see the next item if you haven’t got to Caldey this time….
Event:- “Oblate, Highland Caldey roundup” August 20th-22nd
(two nights—one full day)
Each of the two Pluscarden guest houses has been set aside for this. 7 places
for men left, and 10 for ladies. Ladies are self-catering – but I take it upon
me that the ladies will have two meals provided on the 21st by the locals! —If
staying other days as well ( as negotiated with Fr. Bede individually) then
they must themselves bring farther food apart from those two meals on the 21st.
Their main costs are the travel. Accommodation etc. is whatever they might or
might not give Fr. Bede. N.B. Pluscarden Oblates please wait until after the
end of April to try to book in for this –to give our Prinknash sisters &
brothers a full chance!
wanting to come should write as soon as they know they want to go( Pluscarden
Oblates after April) to Fr. Bede, the guestmaster. They may be able to stay
longer before and after these dates. They should negotiate that with the
guestmaster. He or I shall help them in any farther way with information.
Travel arrangements shall be left to the individuals.
Mungo’s Chapter Glasgow.
As announced. Peter Aitken 11, Maxwell
Grove, Glasgow. G41 5JP. Phone:0141
Monica’s Chapter, Thurso. Contact Jane Coll. "Scaraben”, Westside, Dunnet,
Thurso, Caithness, KY14 8YD. Phone 01847 851467
Peter’s Chapter Aberdeen. St.Peter’s
Chapter Oblates Group as announced by Mr Brian
Milne Donview House, Seaton, Aberdeen AB24 1TZ –when he
is well enough—or if someone wants to come forward to be “convener” in the
St Mary’s Chapter Dundee.
Dates as agreed 11.30 at St.
Mary’s High Street, Lochee, Dundee. -------information from St Mary’s, or samsiameseATgooglemail.com AT=@
Group: Next meeting---To be announced .
The community magazine Pluscarden Benedictines: subscription
of £5, or £10 airmail. We are trying to build up our subscription list. If you
would like to go on the mailing list, please contact The Editor of Pluscarden Benedictines at the Abbey.
Second Ugandan Student to sponsor for the
The Oblates currently sponsor a young 18 year old Ugandan
Seminarian, Dominic, who is now starting his third of four years at the Junior
Seminary.We have had a request from Sr. Catherine OSB at the Tororo Priory in
Uganda for financial assistance with the education of a second Seminarian named
Josaphat Omanakol. Josaphat, aged 20, has completed his four years at Junior
Seminary & should have gone on to the Intermediary Seminary for his higher
certificates but his widowed mother was unable to finance him. He attended St.
Peter’s in Tororo for his fifth year but has no funding for his final year to
complete his Higher Certificate of Education. If he can complete his Secondary
School education this year in Tororo he hopes to go to the Major Seminary for 3
years of Philosophy & Theology in 2014.I have reviewed all the details and
expenses with Sr. Catherine and am appealing for a “one off donation” or
monthly standing orders. As an idea of cost, five Oblates each donating £10 per
month would be sufficient. For further detail or clarification please contact
me, Paul Costello at:- 4, Commercial Road, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41
9BD. e-mail:- paulandjocostelloATbtinternet.com replace
AT with@ for email Phone:- 01358-72151
Postscript:”I am now facing the last chapter of my life
and I do not know what awaits me. I know, however, that the light of God
exists, that he is Risen, that his light is stronger than any darkness, that
the goodness of God is stronger than any evil in this world. And this helps me
to go forward with certainty. May this help us to go forward, and at this
moment I wholeheartedly thank all those who have continually helped me to
perceive the “yes” of God through their faith.” Pope Benedict xvi