At the end of the Prologue to his Gospel, St. John tells us: No one has ever seen God. But the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known (1:18). We are rightly used to thinking of St. Thomas as...
Our former Abbot, now Bishop Hugh of Aberdeen, used to say that the celebration of Easter is the most important event in the monastic year. This year we were helped in our celebration by the presence of young people who filled our guest houses...
All of us are here because we believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. What do we mean when we say we believe Jesus is risen? One of the Gospel accounts of the appearances...
On Wednesday 12th of April a Fund-raising Concert was held in St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral Aberdeen. The Concert was in support of the Pluscarden Abbey 1230 Pilgrimage, which itself is in support of the new South Range Building...
In the week preceding Holy Week, from Monday to Friday, students from Glasgow University were at Pluscarden for their annual retreat. They were led by their Chaplain, Fr. Ross Campbell, assisted by Fr. Peter....
With just two weeks now until Easter, we have reached the climax of the three long Gospel passages from St. John, read successively on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent. In turn we have heard John’s account of the meeting with...
Today the Fourth Sunday in lent is named from the first words of the Introit; also called Golden Rose Sunday (Mary Queen of Scots was given one by the Pope), Mediana Sunday, Mothering Sunday ...