News & Events

South Range building appeal

Pluscarden Abbey is planning a major construction project, the new South Range building. The work includes accommodation for women on retreat, a new refectory and kitchen for all the resident guests and for public lectures and presentations, a new monastic library of over 40,000 books available to the general public, workshops and a service area.

The project will see the rebuilding of the medieval...

Christmas Eve

On the morning of Christmas Eve, before the Conventual Mass, according to monastic tradition, the Precentor solemnly sings the Announcement of Christ's birth: counting down the years from (among other notable events) the Creation of the world, the call of Abraham, the escape of Israel from Egypt, the Kingship of David, the foundation of the City of Rome etc; all of course in Latin, to an ancient Gregorian tone. The very fine text of this announcement may be found in the Roman Martyrology. At Pluscarden, an adaptation of the Roman Martyrology is read out each night of the year, announcing the many Martyrs and other Saints who are commemorated on the following day. It is a moving moment when all kneel to hear the final words of the Christmas Eve Martyrology: "Nativitas Domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum carnem" - "The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh."

"O Sapientia" celebration

Each year on 17th December the Pluscarden community has a special and traditional celebration of "O Sapientia". By the light of candles, and warmed by a log fire, the community sings the Vespers Antiphon addressed to Christ as Divine Wisdom; also the Carol "Shepherds in the fields abiding". As well as other prayers, there is free conversation among the brethren, and a mazer of warm punch is passed around, warm mince pies are consumed, and hot coffee drunk. It's a most pleasant and monastic start to the final run-down to Christmas.