
Talk in the presence of the Relics of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

We venerate today the bodily remains of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. We do so because she was, she is, holy. St. Thérèse was a person completely given up to Jesus Christ our Lord; completely transformed in him; completely available to his grace, to his call. Thérèse was not at all learned in…

Homily given at the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 18 C, 4 August 2019, Luke 12:13-21

Nothing is more certain than that life is short, and that all of us will have to die. You don’t really need divine revelation to tell you that: it’s been a favourite theme of poets and philosophers throughout the ages. The Wisdom writers of the Old Testament, who were both poets and philosophers, loved to dwell…