Oblate Letter 36 - Christmas 2017

Nothing Dearer than Christ

Oblate letter of the Pluscarden Benedictines, Elgin ,Moray,     Scotland. IV30 8UA.
Ph. (01343) 890257 fax 890258

Website www.pluscardenabbey.org DMB series No 36

Christmas 2017

Monastic Voice

 St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (quoted and paraphrased)


 'She begins with what is popularly termed the 'Christmas spirit', the spirit of love and joy associated with the feast even by unbelievers, and goes on to describe the joy of the Church in Advent, preparing for the coming of the Lord by her longing chants, 'Come, to deliver us'; the joy of the faithful giving each other gifts under the lighted Christmas-tree. But then she strikes a different note and again, in striking this note closely follows the Church.

                  "The Star of Bethlehem is a star in a dark night, even today. Already on the second day the Church takes off her festive white vestments and clothes herself in the colour of blood, and on the fourth day in the purple of mourning. ...Where is now the jubilation of the heavenly hosts? Where the silent bliss of the Holy Night? Where is the peace on earth? Peace on earth to men of good will. But not all are of good will. Therefore the Son of the Eternal Father had to descend from the glory of Heaven, because the mystery of iniquity had wrapped the earth in night. Darkness covered the earth, and He came as the light. ...To those who received Him He brought light and peace. ..but not peace with the children of darkness. To them the Prince of Peace does not bring peace but the sword. ...This is a heavy and serious truth which must not be suffered to be concealed by the Child in the manger. The mystery of the Incarnation and the mystery of iniquity are closely related. ."

                  As she was kneeling before the Crib in Carmel, the mystery of iniquity was indeed stalking her country. In schools and offices the crucifIx was being replaced by the picture of the dictator, Christmas itself should give place to the pagan julfest, innocent people suddenly disappeared, and the dreaded words 'concentration camp' were spoken in a whisper. But if we, of little faith, are horrified by the thought that such things should happen even at Christmas, Sister Benedicta will tell us that it is in the supernatural order of things that they should happen just then.

                  "The Child in the manger stretches out His little hands. ...These hands both give and demand: You wise men, lay down your wisdom and become simple as children; you kings, give up your crowns and your treasures and bow down humbly before the King of kings, take upon yourselves without hesitation the troubles and sufferings and hardships which His service demands. You children, who cannot yet give anything of your own free will, these Child's hands take your tender life from you even before it has really begun. It could not be used better than to be sacrificed for the Lord of Life. 'follow Me,' so speak the hands of the Child, as later the lips of the Man. ...Those who are kneeling round the Crib are creatures of light: the tender, innocent children, the sincere shepherds, the humble Kings, Stephen, the ardent Apostle and the beloved Disciple John, all those who have followed the call of the Lord. But opposed to them is the night of incomprehensible obstinacy and blindness: the scribes who can give information on time and place, when the Saviour of the world is to be born, but who do not draw the conclusion: 'Let us go to Bethlehem.' Herod the king, who wants to kill the Lord of Life. Ways part before the Child in the manger. ...He speaks His 'Follow Me', and he who is not for Him is against Him.

                  He speaks it also for us, and compels us to decide between light and darkness." '


The Oblatemasters desk is bestrewn with the necessary correspondence of the Stipendiary, the communications of the Oblates, the preparations for sermons, the details of recently dead monks  of the Necrologist and the detritus of the Oblatemaster’s recent attendance at the Fourth triennial Congress meeting of Oblates in Rome the main descritpion of which will come in February from three of your fellow Oblates(Fiona Mitchell , John McKinlay and Bryan Miller)though the following is in theform of some notes from me of a meeting at  it of Oblatemasters from round the world:

Session for Oblate Directors at Sant'Anselmo , Rome 8th Nov 2017, 2.00 pm.

About 30 were present including Oblate Directors or their representatives both monastic and lay.

Fr. Edward Linton of St. Meinrad’s Archabbey, currently working at the Benedictine Curia in Rome introduced the Session 14.00-14.15.

He also introduced Rev. Bill Wilson who was the “enabler” for the session. He went on to farther introduce himself. He is 45 years in ministry in the Methodist Church and fifteen year an Oblate of St Meinrad’s Archabbey U.S.A. .(Fr. Edward Linton’s Abbey).

He was a hospital chaplain—critical care and trauma—finally himself “burned-out”.

A “cradle” Methodist he was brought up in the “Episopalian/Anglican” school of spirituality.

His health gave way and  he was on the way to “needing”  a heart transplant.  Then he discovered Lectio Divina and it became healing for him. He became an Oblate of St Meinrad’s and was able to channel his God-given gifts. Fr. Meinrad Bruno called upon him to serve on the U.S.  council of Oblates as chairperson. He is used  to  sharing alongside people and so he was asked to enable this session.




He asked us to address ourselves to:


What resistance or difficulties do we encounter?

Can we achieve a “best friends” relationship with one another and our monastery ( as adverted to by  emeritus Primate Notker Wolff in his address)

Do we allow ourselves to be vulnerable?

Do we reach out to and share the life of Christ with people as adverted to by Sr Joan Chitister in her keynote address?

Answers to these from Oblate directors revealed a vast range of varieties of experience of Oblate life from monasteries with widely scattered Oblates and local “chapters” and occasional larger gatherings for education or support or worship.

There were Oblates gathered by the internet joining in Christian meditation.

There were monasteries with large numbers of monks or nuns and concentrated groupings of Oblates who could come together for monthly retreat/worship/seminars/support.

For many the principal support was the monastery and the individual Oblate’s visits to it with the support coming from the community of the monastery.

Responses raised the question how much the Oblate’s life should be “solitary” and how much shared.

One suggested that Esther de Waal’s analysis in “Seeking God” as being the task of finding equilibrium, in the midst of polarity—BALANCE.

As between:-- activity and contemplation

--Stability and change

--tradition and change--------------------the paradox of some middle term between polarities; repose in equilibrium

Questions posed  in closing were what would the Oblate/Monastic picture be like in twenty years’ time?

Should we collect statistics of number and place etc?

What help and befriending should be given by the monastery—by the Oblate to the monastery? What do each need by way of basic formation and formation for leadership?  Are there new skills and new opportunities? Energy, enthusiasm, flow , creativity—the work of the Spirit centred in Christ- in the Eucharist. The Glorifying of God; preferring nothing to Christ. The Oblate’s vocation, called in the name of Christ- these are all at the centre of our way forward.

Must we( individuals, oblates, monks) journey in solitude?

Are we one community or split communities?

Can there be a two-way understanding of being one? Can interface and balance play a part?

There are stages of life from youth to mid-life to old age and bereavement—both for individuals and communities—can we support one another in this?

Spiritual awareness—prayer the key.”


                  "The Child in the manger stretches out His little hands. ...These hands both give and demand.”(St Teresa Benedicta)

They both give all that we have and are as Oblates and as Monks , our talents and gifts, and they demand the return of all that we are as oblation and offering and this is our joy!---The giving is God’s gift to us; involving us in the sacrificial round the perichoresis of the Holy Trinity—our joy now and in eternity, thanks be to God.


PS—Your Oblate Renewal slips  for 2017 that many of you were asking about are contained herewith! Your Christmas  Oblation to the Christ Child!



“The scholar and The Cross”—The Life and work of Edith Stein by Hilda C. Graef. Rarely are biographers so well qualified for their work. A fine book. Longman , Green &Co. 1955! She is not however above giving occasional riders and criticisms whicjh is interesting.


Continued prayer for peace in the world based on justice and the God Who is love.

For Abbot Anselm's full recovery from pneumonia and Bishop Hugh's intentions.

For Brothers Martin de Porres and John Bosco here from Thien Phuoc in Vietnam for two years.

For Prior Bede.

For Fr. Ambrose Flavell  in charge of the Shetlands.

For Br. Cyprian-Prosper here from  KB for monastic studies.

For vocations to Pluscarden, St Mary's monastery, Petersham and Kristo Buase Priory.

New Oblate Aileen Ann MARGARET MacDonald.

For all our novice and postulant Oblates. Please pray for the health of the Very Rev Mgr. Robert Provost McDonald, Fr. Stuart Chalmers, Rev. Christopher Mayo, Fr. Bob Halshaw,Gail schmitz, for Joan Kilmurray, Albert Paterson. For Siobhan Gilmour's husband, for Mrs. Allie Brien, Mrs. Alice Sullivan , Gitte Mackay, Kay Fernandez, Leonora Duson, Margaret Rawcliffe, Robert Cantafio’s mother Margharita, Mrs. Gertrude Corker, herself and her two daughters, Joe Barrett, Bob Barr, Brian Milne, Fiona Sellar, Johan(Joy) Baillie, Martin's Farrelly (84), Graham Dunbar, Beth and Chris  Fraser, Bob Clark, Nick MaCrae’s son, Martin MaCrae battling illness, Dr. David Paterson and his wife Angela and granddaughter Grace, Bryan Miller, Jacqui Heath-Anderson very ill and for her daughter Sally, Hester du Plessis, Poppy Sinclair, Ian and especially Frederick Brodie--the twins, for Pat Foster, Malcolm Boardman & all the family, Martin Farrelly and especially for his wife Val, and also for Peter Wynne, Susan Stephen, Cindy’s husband, Danielle & her son Osyp, Evelyn, Violet and Sheila and all friends of the Abbey and for all Oblates, and all the sick and those who care for them--and for Josaphat and Charles our sponsored seminarians.


2017 4th International Congress of Benedictine Oblates 4th-13th November 2017 in Rome- preliminary report  on one session above and in February  the main report

Dates for your Diaries

                  Oblate retreats Pluscarden 2018

•                February 16th -19th-Fri-Mon.2018--LENT

•                August 17th-20th—Fri-Mon 2018--SUMMER

Book with guestmaster for those dates . Make it clear to him ( Br. Thomas) please the dates and which retreat you are coming to ( or both)-the first talk in February will be after Mass on the Saturday and the last on the Sunday afternoon.( Timetable similar to previous years)

 Our sponsored seminarians

December--Josaphat and Charles, are still doing  well.   Please pray for both of these young men, and also for Sr.Catherine who does so much in Uganda to ensure that our support is effective. If you would like to help support this work please call Campbell Murdoch on 07810 350006 (or email jcmurdoch@yahoo.co.uk - the normal amount is £10-£20 per month).


St Mungo's  chapter, Glasgow:-We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Contact can be made via Peter Aitken. Tel. 0141 427 2084, or via Graham Dunbar at 0141 558 4323 as group Secretary and Treasurer.

St Margaret’s Chapter, Dunfermline monthly meetings as announced, All details contact Deacon Pat Carrigan smcb_oblates@live.co.uk

St. Monica’s Chapter, Thurso. Contact Jane Coll. "Scaraben”, Westside, Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness, KY14 8YD. Phone 01847 851467 and as announced.

St. Peter's chapter St. Peter's Catholic Church, Castlegate, Aberdeen e-mail brianbmilne2647@gmail.com Brian Milne convener phone 01224 485781 mobile 07443032289 -- due to poor health   Brian is encouraging this chapter and any of our Oblates in a similar position or living far from other oblates  to join an e-chapter – that of Oblate John McKinlay—the “Benedictine Prayer Circle "The idea is to help oblates who might feel lonely or isolated to connect, through prayer, with their brother and sister oblates, and so be part of the Oblate brotherhood of prayer. The prayer schedule is taken from the Benedictine Prayer Book – a short breviary, based of course, on the rule of St Benedict, and will be made available to all oblates who wish to sign up, and make a commitment to regular prayer. There is opportunity for personal intentions, within the schedule, and in this way we are praying together for our own as well as the intentions of our fellow oblates. It is hoped that we join in prayer as an Oblate community at midday on Friday each week. Those who wish may pray together on a daily basis if they so wish. The prayers will only take 5 minutes of our time, so it is not arduous! If interested please contact John G McKinlay by email for further details, and/or a copy of the prayer schedule:                jgjm07@yahoo.co.uk         

St Meinrad’s Chapter—A new chapter meeting monthly at Dysart Carmel—for details contact Mary Murphy                                 marymurphy118@gmail.com

St. Mirin’s Chapter. Paisley. Date: 1st Saturday each month. Time 2-4 pm. Venue: Hall 2, St Mirin’s Cathedral, Cathedral Precincts, Incle Street Paisley, PA1 1HR—secure parking there within Cathedral enclosure. Farther information: St Mirin Chapter, Benedictine Oblate Group, c/o Campbell Murdoch, Fircroft, Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4JT

‘ “Oh", David sighed, "If someone would fetch me a drink of water from the well that stands by the gate of Bethlehem” ‘    2 Samuel 23.15 >David saw prophetically the future Saviour<!!—St Ambrose


With  Christmas  blessings ,
In S.P.N.B.,                           
& In  the  love  of  Christ,

Fr. Martin

Our Lady of Pluscarden, pray for us!


Oblate Letter 35 - Michaelmas Autumn 2017


Nothing Dearer than Christ+

Oblate letter of the Pluscarden Benedictines,

Elgin, Moray,      Scotland. IV30 8UA.

Ph. (01343) 890257 fax 890258

Email oblatemaster@gmail.com and


Website www.pluscardenabbey.org

DMB series No 35

MichaelmasAutumn 2017


Smaragdus of Saint-MihielCommentary on The Rule of Saint Benedict: Book Three

 "The good shepherd is Christ, who said: I am the good shepherd.* And again he says of himself: The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.

    The abbot has to imitate his loving example and love his flock of sheep, in other words his monks,just as he too loved the human race, to such an extent that he delivered himself up to death for its sake; and rising from the dead he raised it to heaven and joined it with the angelic choir, and thus made whole again the number of his sheep.

For the abbot too has to correct the erring monk, and having corrected and at the same time loved him, has to join him with the band of the rest of his monks. And then he really imitates the one who, leaving the ninety-nine sheep in the mountains, went to look for the one that had strayed. He took such compassion on its weakness that he deigned to place it on his sacred shoulders and thus carry it (Lk 15:4-5) back to the flock. 

The hundred sheep is the complete number of angels and men. Now one strayed, in other words the human race sinned. He left the ninety-nine in the mountains, in other words the nine choirs of angels in heaven, and came to look for the one in a vale of tears. When it has been found, there is more joy over it than over the ninety-nine that had not strayed."


“On the mountain the Lord provides”. After six weeks “on the road”, sleeping on church hall floors,  in barns and fields—as well as presbyteries-- and once in a mansion house--- giving Holy Mass to the pilgrim 1230 walkers  in the English and Scottish parts of their VaL De Choux to Pluscarden walking pilgrimage and then returning to my day-long duties of refectorian, porter and stipendiary I was wondering how I would ever get out this third quarter Oblate Letter when, after reading at lunchfrom the refectory lectern I paused outside while the grace after meals was sung inside and sat my weary limbs down in the slype library to mark the place in the book for the following day when lo and behold my eye fell upon a newish looking addition to the library on the adjacent shelf. The spine of the fat, glossy paperback read “ Smaragdus of St Mihiel: Commentary on the Rule of St Benedict”. I thought to myself “ I have never heard mention of this commentary and yet sure enough it was 568 pages long – hardly insignificant in length alone. So despite my weariness I dipped in and on my third dip I came across the above passage.

There was a freshness and a newness about Smaragdus take on the parable of the ninety-nine sheep left on the mountainside for the sake of the straying sheep. The whole flock is all the living beings, angels and men, and men are the stray sheep in their entirety. Humanity is the one stray sheep for which the vast,  nine choirs of countless  angels are left for the sake of man’s redemption. What a vast and all-encompassing vision.

At a stroke Smaragdus, following the early Fathers of the Church places man’s redemption in a cosmic context where all mankind have gone astraywithin a creation where—to change the metaphor—man is the black sheep. God in His love makes an option for poor, poverty-stricken humankind amidst the talented wealth of His obedient creation which obediently praises and glorifies Him. God in Christ comes to restore us to the circle of grace and praise and glory.

From tiredness and weariness my treasure-trove in Smaragdus’ commentary uplifted me to new energy by its freshness, breadth and timelessness. Here is a monk writing for monks and all associated with and inspired by monastic life. Here is a monkpassing on the pearl of the Gospel hidden in the field of the Rule which he has purchased by the faithfulness of his life and vision. It is little treasures like this which once discovered give new food and vigour to the journeying soul, journeying in Christ and to Christ. I would put this book on a par for the coenobite, the monk, on a par with “Alone With God” by Blessed Paul Giustiniani for the hermit. By the grace of Christ may we the straying sheep be restored to the circle of praise and glorification of God the Father through the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Amen


Amen “Commentary on the Rule of St Benedict” by Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, translated by David Barry O.S.B. wit h introductory essays by Terence Kardong O.S.B, Jean Leclercq O.S.B. and Daniel M. La Corte ( the book worth reading for these essays alone!)—Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 2007. ISBN 978-0-87907-212-4 U.S. $49.95(new!)

For those who want to come to the Rule with fresh eyes and a listening heart


Continued prayer for peace in the world based on justice and the God Who is love.

For Abbot Anselm's and Bishop Hugh's intentions.

For Deacon Pat Carriganordained Deacon by Archbishop Leo Cushlie at the Cathedral in Edinburgh 16th September.

For Deacon Tony Schmitz and his Wife Gail who renewed their marriage vows on their 50th. Wedding Anniversary.

The repose of the soul of Oblate Grant Farley-Sutton and for his family.

For Prior Bede. For Fr. Ambrose Flavellnow in charge of Shetland. For Br. Cyprian-Prosper here from  KB for monastic studies.

For vocations to Pluscarden especially Ben and Ronan and St Mary's monastery, Petersham and Kristo Buase Priory.

For all our novice and postulant Oblates. Please pray for the health of the Very Rev Mgr. Robert Provost McDonald, Vicar General Fr. Stuart Chalmers, Rev. Christopher Mayo, Fr. Bob Halshaw, Albert Paterson. For Siobhan Gilmour's husband, for Mrs. Allie Brien, Mrs. Alice Sullivan after a severe fall, Gitte Mackay, Kay Fernandez, Leonora Duson, Margaret Rawcliffe, Robert Cantafio’s mother Margharita, Mrs. Gertrude Corker, herself and her two daughters, Joe Barrett heart attack Bob Barr, Brian Milne, Fiona Sellar, Johan(Joy) Baillie, Martin's wife Mary, Graham Dunbar, Beth and ChrisFraser, Bob Clark, Nick MaCrae’s son, Martin MaCrae battling illness, Dr. David Paterson and his wife Angela and granddaughter Grace, Bryan Miller, Jacqui’s daughter Sally, Hester du Plessis, Poppy Sinclair, Ian and especially Frederick Brodie--the twins, for Pat Foster, Malcolm Boardman & all the family, Martin Farrelly and especially for his wife Val, and also for Peter Wynne, Susan Stephen, Cindy’s husband, Danielle & her son Osyp, Evelyn, Violet and Sheila and all friends of the Abbey and for all Oblates, and all the sick and those who care for them--and for Josaphat and Charles our sponsored seminarians.


2017 4th International Congress of Benedictine Oblates 4th-13th November 2017 in Rome- report in due course—see Congress website if you still want to apply. Please pray for this too.

Dates for your Diaries

•                Oblate retreats Pluscarden 2018

•                February 16th -19th-Fri-Mon.2018

•                August 17th-20th—Fri-Mon 2018

Book with guestmaster for those dates .


St Mungo'schapter, Glasgow:-We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Contact can be made via Peter Aitken. Tel. 0141 427 2084, or via Graham Dunbar at 0141 558 4323 as group Secretary and Treasurer.

St Margaret’s Chapter, Dunfermline monthly meetings as announced, All details contact Deacon Pat Carrigan smcb_oblates@live.co.uk

St. Monica’s Chapter, Thurso. Contact Jane Coll. "Scaraben”, Westside, Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness, KY14 8YD. Phone 01847 851467 and as announced.

St. Peter's chapter St. Peter's Catholic Church, Castlegate, Aberdeen e-mail brianbmilne2647@gmail.com Brian Milne convener phone 01224 485781 mobile 07443032289 -- due to poor health   Brian is encouraging this chapter and any of our Oblates in a similar position or living far from other oblatesto join an e-chapter – that of Oblate John McKinlay—the “Benedictine Prayer Circle "The idea is to help oblates who might feel lonely or isolated to connect, through prayer, with their brother and sister oblates, and so be part of the Oblate brotherhood of prayer. The prayer schedule is taken from the Benedictine Prayer Book – a short breviary, based of course, on the rule of St Benedict, and will be made available to all oblates who wish to sign up, and make a commitment to regular prayer. There is opportunity for personal intentions, within the schedule, and in this way we are praying together for our own as well as the intentions of our fellow oblates.It is hoped that we join in prayer as an Oblate community at midday on Friday each week. Those who wish may pray together on a daily basis if they so wish. The prayers will only take 5 minutes of our time, so it is not arduous! If interested please contact John G McKinlay by email for further details, and/or a copy of the prayer schedule:                jgjm07@yahoo.co.uk         

St Meinrad’s Chapter—A new chapter meeting monthly at Dysart Carmel—for details contact Mary Murphy                                 marymurphy118@gmail.com

St. Mirin’s Chapter. Paisley. Date: 1st Saturday each month. Time 2-4 pm. Venue: Hall 2, St Mirin’s Cathedral, Cathedral Precincts, Incle Street Paisley, PA1 1HR—secure parking there within Cathedral enclosure. Farther information: St Mirin Chapter, Benedictine Oblate Group, c/o Campbell Murdoch, Fircroft, Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4JT m:

Our sponsored seminarians

Josaphat and Charles, are doing very well.   Please pray for both of these young men, and also for Sr.Catherine who does so much in Uganda to ensure that our support is effective. If you would like to help support this work please call Campbell Murdoch on 07810 350006 (or email jcmurdoch@yahoo.co.uk - the normal amount is £10-£20 per month).

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

+In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies,

Saint Michael the Archangel,

Defend us in “our battle against principalities and powers,

 against the rulers of this world of darkness,

against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Eph. 6.12)

Come to the assistance of men Whom God has created to His likeness

and Whom He has redeemed at a great price

from the tyranny of the devil.

The Holy Church venerates you as her

Guardian and protector;

To you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the

redeemed to be led into heaven.

Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush

Satan beneath our feet,

That he may no longer retain men captive and

Do injury to the Church.

Offer our prayers to the Most High,

That without delay they may draw His Mercy down upon us;

Take hold of”the dragon, the old serpent,

which is the devil and Satan.”

Bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit

“that he may no longer seduce the nations.” (Rev.20:2-3)

+ In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

                  With  blessings ,

                           In S.P.N.B.,

                                            In  the  love  of  Christ,

                                                                                      Fr. Martin

Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, pray for us!


Oblate Letter 34 - Easter, Pentecost, Summer 2017

Nothing Dearer than Christ

Oblate letter of the Pluscarden Benedictines, Elgin ,Moray,            Scotland. IV30 8UA.

Ph. (01343) 890257 fax 890258

Email oblatemaster@gmail.com and


DMB series No 34

Easter Pentecost Summer 2017




MONASTIC VOICE—Abbot Dennis Huerre

The Monastery as Our Home

The Benedictine vision of Christ knocking at the door of the monastery has the divine beauty that makes us realize that our monastery is the house of God, while the double liberty of being human and Christian helps us to see the monastery as the earthly home of humans seeking the liberty that is essential if we are to hear God and obey him through offering hospitality to anyone he sends: pagans, tramps, rogues, unbelievers, etc. By sending them, God himself offers us that liberty which we are seeking. In this way guests have a most important part to play in our conversio, a point Benedict underlines when he remarks that long-staying guests are in an excellent position to make comments that will either help the abbot in his own search for God or suggest improvements that could be made. There are probably very few monks who haven't at some time learned something helpful from a guest. This is perfectly normal. If Christ has been received, the Word will bear fruit.

When I am a guest in a monastery I always listen to the bidding prayers at their liturgy, and I have always been impressed by the extent to which communities are really praying for others in the presence of God.

On one occasion I heard a guest suggest that the monks also ask their guests to pray for the community, and he was perfectly right. After all, our profession is made in public and so our conversio can't be just our own private affair; it is something that concerns the whole Church, and the prayer of the guest for us is as valuable and necessary as our prayers for him. Indeed, we have to rely on the Church for our Conversio just as much as the Church relies on us for the Conversio of all Christians. This is one way we can add a flavour of simple communal love to our practice of monastic hospitality.

Every meeting with someone else means the death of a particular me and the birth of a new and truer one. To think about this can never be a waste of time. It is even true of all the meetings that have ever gone to make up human history , and it is true of that meeting of all things in Christ. This is why every Benedictine should be ceaselessly engaged in forming, through his ceaseless intimacy with God, a personal capacity to offer others that hospitality without which we face the terrible alternative of self-centredness.   

Pentecost, which is the occasion for this letter, is a moment particularly marked by the two movements of recollection and hospitality. For those of us who are overly prompt in answering the bell, it is a time to consider the risks of welcoming a guest to a house deserted by God; and for those who are happier when the house is empty of guests, a time to consider if Christ is truly with them behind their locked doors.

Whichever group we belong to, we must either present ourselves in our character as monks or we shall be accused of misleading both the Church and the world.

Many thanks indeed to all who have ever offered hospitality to the temporary guest who signs himself,

Denis Huerre,
Congregation of(then Subiaco(now Subiaco-Cassinese….our own))
Sant'Ambrogio Rome


             “I rejoiced when they said let us go to God’s house, and now our feet are standing within your gates O Jerusalem”—I must confess again to getting rather excited when we sing these words from Terce each weekday at Mass after receiving Holy Communion here in our Abbey. We have entered Jerusalem because Jerusalem has entered the gates of our bodies and souls! How could we not rejoice? How could we not sing psalms, now and in eternity? At such a time you really do not want to stop singing psalms—and so it will be in eternity. This is life; this is living, now and in eternity. Who needs farther proof of eternal realities? Here we make connection with eternity and the Heavenly liturgy.

            It all begins with doorways and guests. Abbot Dennis Huerre helped us to reflect on this aspect of the monastery as our home. At the end of his letter he reminds us all, monks, oblates, guests—that at some point and in a way at all points we are all guests in this home that is our monastery. We have all had to knock at (or ring the bell of!) the guesthouse door perhaps with anticipation or trepidation.

            But even some of our day visitors experience the joy of psalm 121 on passing through the big, iron portals of the gateway; they experience the peace though they cannot express it—they are caught up in a movement of prayer though they may not know what prayer is.

            Which among us does not sometimes have anticipation or at least trepidation at the thought of sooner or later crossing the portal from this life to the next? Every exit is also an entrance or rather every entrance is also an exit—we do not go backwards through a doorway but leave every exit behind us. Life has a dynamism towards entrances and leaves behind exits.         

            From the first moment of our existence we are guests invited into the home of God’s creation but always in the wider context of God as our Home. Called into existence from the Mind of God by His Love to live with Him, enjoying Him in His creation, our souls have already passed though the portal of creation ex nihilo to existence with God. This existence with and in God’s love is the primary reality.

            We are already in the guesthouse! But the guesthouse is orientated towards the monastery that is our home whether guest or monk or oblate.

            In the liturgy we pass through the second portal to the other side about which we exercise our anticipation or trepidation. Our God is a God of entrances not exits. God calls into being and then He calls us onward and onward by imitation and encouragement to greater and greater fullness of being even to sharing as Sons and Daughters in His Being as our Home in Christ when He is all in all.

            “I rejoiced when they said let us go to God’s house and now our feet are standing within Your gates O Jerusalem! The Mass, the Sacraments, Holy Communion! Oh wonderful life! The joy and wonder are never ending. But meanwhile like our 1230 pilgrims, as Saint Augustine would remind us, while singing our year-round Sunday “Alleluias!” we must keep walking , sing “Alleluia" but keep walking,  walking and entering, walking and entering, ever farther and farther into the entranceways of our Homeland until we sing eternally “and now our feet are standing within your gates O Jerusalem!”—Oh Joy!!!—Oh Joy!!!


“Letters to my Brothers and Sisters”—Living by the Rule of St Benedict, by Dennis Huerre( Abbot La Pierre-qui-Vire 1952-1978. Abbot President Subiaco Congregation in 1980) translated by Sylvester Houedad. ISBN 0-8146-2241-0. Liturgical Press, Minnesota, U.S.A.

 From simple ideas that spark profound meditations to sparkling analysis that taxes the grey matter. Something, somewhere, for everyone.



For peace in the world based on justice and the God Who is love.

Thanksgiving, Dr James Merrick (novice) and his family received into the Catholic Church and for their spiritual and temporal welfare; having to move back to the U.S.A.

For all those involved in the 1230 pilgrimage

For the repose of the souls of Mrs. Joyce Conacher, Fr Giles’ mother, David Braine, philosopher, Alice Macleod’s husband and Susan Carson-Rowland’s husband Mike, Nick MaCrae’s wifeand Pamela Nelson-Shaw's brother, Duncan.

For the repose of the souls of Oblates:  Paul Costello, Marie Rees, Maggie Barrett and Nora (Leila) McFarlane.

For Abbot Anselm's and Bishop Hugh's intentions.

For Prior Bede.

For Fr. Ambrose Flavell  now in charge of Shetland.

For Br. Cyprian-Prosper here from KB for monastic studies.

For vocations to Pluscarden especially Ben and Ronan and St Mary's monastery, Petersham and Kristo Buase Priory.

For all our novice and postulant Oblates. For Pat Carrigan being ordained Deacon 16th September.

Please pray for the health of the Very Rev Mgr. Robert Provost McDonald, Rev. Christopher Mayo, Fr. Bob Halshaw, Janet Fraile, Albert Paterson. For Siobhan Gilmour's husband, for Mrs. Allie Brien, Mrs. Alice Sullivan, Gitte Mackay and for Joe and esp. Grant Farley-Sutton, Kay Fernadez, Margaret Kessack Leonora Duson, Margaret Rawcliffe, Robert Cantafio’s Mother Margharita, Mrs. Gertrude Corker, herself and her two daughters, Bob Barr, Brian Milne, Gail Schmitz, Fiona Sellar, Johan(Joy) Baillie, Martin's wife Mary, Graham Dunbar, Beth and ChrisFraser, Bob Clark, Nick MaCrae’s son, Martin MaCrae battling illness, Dr. David Paterson and his wife Angela and granddaughter Grace, Bryan Miller, Jacqui’s daughter Sally, Hester du Plessis, Poppy Sinclair, Ian and especially Frederick Brodie--the twins, for Pat Foster, Malcolm Boardman & all the family, Martin Farrelly and especially for his wife Val, and also for Peter Wynne Susan Stephen, Cindy’s husband, Danielle & her son Osyp, Evelyn, Violet and Sheila and all friends of the Abbey and for all Oblates, and all the sick and those who care for them--and for Josaphat and Charles our sponsored seminarians.


2017 5th June-3rd September   1230 pilgrimage    

You can still join in! details:-Pluscarden Abbey Appeal Office,216 High Street,

Elgin IV30 1BA Phone: Tel. +44 (0)1343 555038 Mob. 07415 971024www.appealpluscardenabbey.org.uk            

 with a web form to register if you prefer.

2017 4th International Congress of Benedictine Oblates 4th-10th November 2017 in Rome- report in due course—see Congress website if you still want to apply as a “non-voting member”( no great drawback!)

Sunday 25th June--Annual Pilgrimage to Pluscarden:1.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Lady Chapel. 1.00-300 pm Confessions in St Benedict's Retreat, 3.30 Pilgrimage Mass and procession in honour of our Blessed Lady. Refreshments 12.00 noon onwards in marquee.


Dates for your Diaries

·       Oblate retreats Pluscarden 2018

·      February 16th -19th-Fri-Mon.

·      August 17th-20th—Fri-Mon 2018

Book with guestmaster for those dates .

Experience life as a monk The Pluscarden Abbey Monastic Experience Weekend is a long-established event which takes place every summer. This summer—18th 21st August. The community of monks offer this special opportunity for participants to experience what monastic life is all about. The opportunity is suitable for single men who are Catholic, practise their faith and are aged 18-35. There is no charge for the weekend. Suggest it to someone you know! 

·      900th anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Magnus Pilgrimage To Orkney

28th-30th July Kirkwall--book in at joyce@rcd-abdn.orgor 01224 319154

 Oblate Dr. Alison Gray giving one of the talks.

·       “ Continuing formation”

Opportunity for continuing formationatSant'Anselmo, Rome. The program is called “Spirituality and Culture.” It will begin in November 2017, and it will be composed of eight two-week modules scheduled to be completed within two years. Successful academic participation will lead to a License in Spiritual Theology. But this program is for you, too! We think oblates will find the program perfectly suited to them, as it is very flexible. First, students are not required to pursue a degree. The program will offer continuing-education diplomas and European Masters’ degrees as well as the License. Second, students may take various combinations of instruction, as each module is self-contained. One may even take half a module during one year and complete it in the next cycle. The flexibility of the structure is enhanced by the impressive set of instructors. Apart from such names as Michael Casey and Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, the program is taught mostly by Benedictine monks of different cultures and traditions as well as some lay experts sensitive to monasticism. Finally, the themes of the program are modern and ancient, both very relevant and embedded in monastic tradition. We think you will find them helpful in navigating the cultural and social challenges of your life. Please visit our web site for more information. We believe you will be thrilled with the opportunity to deepen your spiritual formation here at the centre of Benedictine monasticism, to share the life of the monks of the college, and learn with other student-oblates, in the heart of the Eternal City. If you have any questions or need more information, please send an email to me at istitutomonastico@anselmianum.com My best wishes and prayers. See you in Rome - Fr. Bernard Sawicki OSB Coordinator The Monastic Institute Faculty of Theology


St Mungo'schapter, Glasgow:-We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Contact can be made via Peter Aitken. Tel. 0141 427 2084, or via Graham Dunbar at 0141 558 4323 as group Secretary and Treasurer.

St Margaret’s Chapter, Dunfermline monthly meetings as announced, All details contact Pat Carrigan smcb_oblates@live.co.uk

St. Monica’s Chapter, Thurso. Contact Jane Coll. "Scaraben”, Westside, Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness, KY14 8YD. Phone 01847 851467 and as announced.

St. Peter's chapter St. Peter's Catholic Church, Castlegate, Aberdeen e-mail brianbmilne2647@gmail.com Brian Milne convener phone 01224 485781 mobile 07443032289 -- due to poor health   Brian is encouraging this chapter and any of our Oblates in a similar position or living far from other oblatesto join an e-chapter – that of Oblate John McKinlay—the Benedictine Prayer Circle”

The idea is to help oblates who might feel lonely or isolated to connect, through prayer, with their brother and sister oblates, and so be part of the Oblate brotherhood of prayer. The prayer schedule is taken from the Benedictine Prayer Book – a short breviary, based of course, on the rule of St Benedict, and will be made available to all oblates who wish to sign up, and make a commitment to regular prayer.
There is opportunity for personal intentions, within the schedule, and in this way we are praying together for our own as well as the intentions of our fellow oblates.
It is hoped that we join in prayer as an Oblate community at midday on Friday each week. Those who wish may pray together on a daily basis if they so wish. The prayers will only take 5 minutes of our time, so it is not arduous!
If interested please contact John G McKinlay by email on:
for further details, and/or a copy of the prayer schedule.

St Meinrad’s Chapter—A new chapter meeting monthly at Dysart Carmel—for details contact Mary Murphy           marymurphy118@gmail.com

St. Mirin’s Chapter. Paisley. Date: 1st Saturday each month. Time 2-4 pm. Venue: Hall 2, St Mirin’s Cathedral, Cathedral Precincts, Incle Street Paisley, PA1 1HR—secure parking there within Cathedral enclosure. Farther information: St Mirin Chapter, Benedictine Oblate Group, c/o Campbell Murdoch, Fircroft, Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4JT m: 07810 Sponsored Seminarians & Passing of Paul Costello RIP
Our sponsored seminarians, Josaphat and Charles, are doing very well.  I have been speaking to Josaphat on email and he sends you all his love and thanks for your on-going and generous support.  He is praying for us all.  Please pray for both of these young men, and also for Sr Catherine (who does so much in Uganda to ensure that our support is effective). If you would like to help support this work please call Campbell Murdoch on 07810 350006 (or email jcmurdoch@yahoo.co.uk - the normal amount is £10-£20 per month). We have all been saddened by the passing of Paul Costello RIP.  Paul did so much to establish the seminarian programme.  Even although he had been seriously ill for some time, he was always on hand to give his support and wise counsel.  Always cheerful and ncomplaining.  Please pray for him, that our Lord will grant him eternal rest and that perpetual light will shine upon him forever.



Our Lady of Fatima Novena Prayer
for World Peace and Vocations

Heavenly Father, when the world was engulfed by war you sent the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children at  Fatima exhorting them to prayer  and penance so as to lead humanity back to your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

And so, praying before this pilgrim statue of our Lady of Fatima we implore you that through the infinite merits of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the peace of Christ may reign in our world that is so torn by violence and hatred.

And if it pleases You, we also ask that, through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, You may send more men to join this monastery of Our Lady and St John the Baptist and St Andrew at Pluscarden, to lead a life of prayer, penance and praise for the salvation of souls and for Your greater glory.

We ask this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.



With blessing,
In the love of Christ,
Fr. Martin

Our Lady ofFatima Pray for us.


Oblate Letter 33 - Winter Chair of St Peter 2017


Nothing Dearer than Christ

Oblate letter of the Pluscarden Benedictines, Elgin,Moray,Scotland. IV30 8UA.

Ph. (01343) 890257 fax 890258

Email oblatemaster@pluscardenabbey.org

 DMB series No 33

Winter Chair of St Peter 2017




Venerable Julian of Norwich Revelations of Divine Love Chapter 32

On one occasion the good Lord said, “Everything is going to be all right.” On another, 'you will see for yourself that every sort of thing will be all right.' In these two sayings the soul discerns various meanings.

One is that he wants us to know that not only does he care for great and noble things, but equally for little and small, lowly and simple things as well. This is his meaning: 'Everything will be all right.' We are to know that the least thing will not be forgotten.

Another is this: we see deeds done that are so evil, and injuries inflicted that are so great, that it seems to us quite impossible that any good can come of them. As we consider these, sorrowfully and mournfully, we cannot relax in the blessed contemplation of God as we ought. This is caused by the fact that our reason is now so blind, base, and ignorant that we are unable to know that supreme and marvellous wisdom, might, and goodness which belong to the blessed Trinity. This is the meaning of his word, “You will see for yourself that every sort of thing will be all right.” It is as if he were saying "Be careful now to believe and trust, and in the end you will see it all in its fullness and joy."

So from those same six words' I may make everything all right', I gain great comfort with regard to all the works that God has still to do. There still remains a deed which the blessed Trinity will do at the last Day -at leastso I see it -yet when and how it will be done is unknown to all God's creatures under Christ, and will remain so until it takes place.

The reason why he wants us to know about this deed is that he would have us more at ease in our minds and more at peace in our love, and not be concerned with those storms and stresses that stop us from truly enjoying him.

This great deed, ordained by the Lord God from before time, and treasured and hid within his blessed heart, is known only to Himself By it he will make everything to turn out well. For just as the blessed Trinity made everything out of nothing, in the same way shall he make all that is wrong to turn out for the best.

The consideration of this I found most marvellous, and in my wonder I thought about our faith: our faith is grounded in God's word, and part of it is that we who believe in that word of God will be saved -completely. Another part of our same belief is that many creatures will be damned; for example, the angels who fell from heaven through pride, and are now fiends ; and those men on earth who die apart from the

Faith of Holy Church, namely, the heathen; and those too, who are christened but live unchristian lives, and so die out oflove -all these shall be condemned to hell everlastingly, as Holy Church teaches me to believe. This being so I thought it quite impossible that everything should turn out well, as our Lord was now showing me. But I had no answer to this revelation save this: 'What is impossible to you is not impossible to me. I shall honour my word in every respect, and I will make everything turn out for the best.' Thus was I taught by God's grace to hold steadfastly to the faith I had already learned, and at the same time to believe quite seriously that everything would turn out all right, as our Lord was showing. For the great deed that our Lord is going to do is that by which he shall keep his word in every particular, and make all that is wrong turn out well. How this will be no one less than Christ can know -not until the deed is done. At least, this is what I understood our Lord to mean at the time.


This period of time falls between Church unity week and the Chair of St Peter (22nd of February) and so at this time our hearts may be focussed upon ecumenism.

In the last millennium perhaps no Christian mystical writer has so gathered the scattered flock of Christ in the Northern hemisphere as the hermit, the anchoress, Julian of Norwich.

Her famous “All things shall be well and all manner of things shall be well”(less modern translation of the English) seems to epitomise a spirit of reconciliation of all things and all persons that sweeps us into the positive embracing of opposites.

Theology and all reality have polarities and paradox. Those who avoid these or shun them are not grounded in reality—freedom and causality, Jesus our Lord true God and true man, transcendence and immanence, I and Thou. Julian of Norwich embraces paradox with the enthusiasm of a Tertullian or a Kierkegaard. St John Paul the Great himself was content to hint in “Sign of Contradiction” (page reference?)  that reconciliation of all things while not part of our and God’s revealed reality could still be hidden in God’s transcendence. He does not follow Origen into making into a fact that which IS NOT. Rather like Julian he sees all such speculation as purely such and hidden in the night, the pure trust of childlike faith which perseveres with the facts of faith, the sin that separates and the Grace of God that unites.

We have entered into the Egypt of sin and separation but surely the true meaning of Julian’s “All things are well and all manner of things shall be well” is shortly to unfold in our celebration of Lent and Easter.

Our wounded Church will shortly take heart in our Lord’s words to us, “Did you not know that the Christ must suffer and so enter into His glory!” Our Church’s very woundedness is Her stigmata and Her birth pangs.


“Benedict XVlth Last Testament in his own words” with Peter Seewald. ISBN HB 978-1-4729-4467-2. £16.99

I never fully appreciated the full stature of this Servant of God who had suffered a brain haemorrhage long before being made Pope—“If my peoplestill need me I will not refuse the work………!”—Staggering!


For the repose of the soul of our own Br. Meinrad Gibson who died peacefully here at Pluscarden in his cell on the 5th January in the 83rdyear of his age and the 47th of his monastic profession. He had been a Dean for over 40 years, and also served as Prior, Sub-Prior and Assistant Cellarer.

For the repose of the soul of Oblate James(Jimmy) Shand.

For the Repose of the soul of Gillian Cole, Br. Thomas, guestmaster’s sister who died aged 51 unexpetedly in Australia of food poisoning.

For Abbot Anselm's and Bishop Hugh's intentions.

For Prior Bede.

For Fr. Ambrose Flavell on Sabbatical in Aberdeen Diocese.  For Br. Cyprian-Prosper here from KB for two years of monastic studies

For vocations to Pluscarden (especially the ten who thanks to your prayers took part in our monastic experience weekend) and for all our aspirants especially postulant Br. Mark. St Mary's monastery, Petersham and Kristo Buase Priory.

Mhairi (Marianne) NINIAN Cuthbert whomade her Oblation on St Scholastica’s feast day 10th February!

For all our novice and postulant Oblates. Pat Carrigan being ordained Deacon 16th September.

Please pray for the health of the Very Rev Mgr. Robert Provost McDonald, Rev. Christopher Mayo, Fr. Bob Halshaw, Paul Costello, Albert Paterson. For Siobhan Gilmour's husband, for Mrs. Allie Brien, Mrs. Alice Sullivan, Gitte Mackay and Joe and esp. Maggie Barrett, Leonora Duson, Margaret Rawcliffe, Robert Cantafio’s Mother Margharita, Mrs. Gertrude Corker’s herself and her two daughters, Bob Barr, Brian Milne, Gail Schmitz, Fiona Sellar, Johan(Joy) Baillie, Lilian Bailey,Susan Carson-Rowland and her husband Mike, Martin's wife Mary, Graham Dunbar, Beth and ChrisFraser, Bob Clark, Nick MaCrae’s son, Martin MaCrae battling illness, Dr. David Paterson and his wife Angela and granddaughter Grace, Bryan Miller, Jacqui’s daughter Sally, Hester du Plessis, Poppy Sinclair, Ian and especially Frederick Brodie--the twins, for Pat Foster, Malcolm Boardman & all the family, Martin Farrelly and especially for his wife Val, and also for Peter Wynne Sunday, 8.00 am altar-server at Mass here for 40 years--pacemaker. David Braine, philosopher been very ill, Susan Stephen,Cindy’s husband, Danielle & her son Osyp, Evelyn, Violet and Sheila and all friends of the Abbey and for all Oblates, and all the sick—the list is never complete--- and those who care for them--and for Josaphat and Charles our sponsored seminarians.


Julian Group Monthly at the Abbey. Contemplative prayer group meet monthlyon the first Tuesday of each month after Mass here. You are welcome. Silent prayer inspired by the spirituality of Venerable Julian ofNorwich.(Some members poorly please pray for)

2017--Pluscarden Oblates Lenten Retreat led By Fr. Abbot the first weekend of LentFriday 3rd- Monday 6th March. Attend daily or book in with the guest master (arriving the Friday, departing the Monday)

Br.Thomas     guestmaster@pluscardenabbey.org



SATURDAY 4thSUNDAY TIMETABLE, MASS AT 10.OOAMFIRST Talk 11.30 am on Sat 4th and SECOND TALK 3.00 pm.



AFTERNOON Opportunity for Lenten Confession during EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FROM 2.00-4.00 P.M.

FINAL MASS 9.00AM MONDAY opportunity for renewal of Oblation.

2017 4th International Congress of Benedictine Oblates 4th-10th November 2017 in Rome- We have our 2 delegates, John Mckinlay and Bryan Miller but you can always go on the short leet -- just let me know.

The Pentecost Lectures— 2017 –given by the well-known theologian Francesca Murphy.( Please pray for – broken her leg)  Book with guestmaster Br. Thomas or come on the days. Tuesday 6th Juneto the Thursday 8th June following Pentecost 2017 as before.


7th National inter-Oblate Retreat 24th -26th March 2017—Fr. Gervase Holdaway, “Living as an Oblate in 2017”—Venue –Douai Abbey.


Or phone 0116 241 9611

2017 5th June-3rd September   1230 pilgrimage    

details:-Pluscarden Abbey Appeal Office,216 High Street,

Elgin IV30 1BA Phone: Tel. +44 (0)1343 555038 Mob. 07415 971024www.appealpluscardenabbey.org.uk                  (with a web form to register if you prefer)

Dates for your Diaries

•                Oblate retreats Pluscarden 2018:-

•                February 16th -19th-Fri-Mon. 2018

•                August 17th-20th—Fri-Mon 2018

•                Can pencil in with guestmaster for those dates God willing!


St Mungo'schapter, Glasgow:-We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Contact can be made via Peter Aitken. Tel. 0141 427 2084, or via Graham Dunbar at 0141 558 4323 as group Secretary and Treasurer.

St Margaret’s Chapter, Dunfermline monthly meetings as announced, All details contact Pat Carrigan smcb_oblates@live.co.uk

St. Monica’s Chapter, Thurso. Contact Jane Coll. "Scaraben”, Westside, Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness, KY14 8YD. Phone 01847 851467 and as announced.

St. Peter's chapter of oblates Aberdeen:- Sabbatical break due to health etcContact Brian for details.St. Peter's Catholic Church, Castlegate, Aberdeen. When next arranged e-mail brianbmilne2647@gmail.com (Brian Milne convener),  phone 01224 485781 mobile 07443032289

St. Mirin’s Chapter. Paisley. Date: 1st Saturday each month. Time 2-4 pm. Venue: Hall 2, St Mirin’s Cathedral, Cathedral Precincts, Incle Street Paisley, PA1 1HR—secure parking there within Cathedral enclosure. Farther information: St Mirin Chapter, Benedictine Oblate Group, c/o Campbell Murdoch, Fircroft, Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4JT m: 07810 350006


   Our two seminarians are progressing very well.  Josaphat is about to start the second semester of his second year at Major Seminary.  Charles has just successfully completed Form 5 at St . Peter's College and has been admitted to Form 6.  There are a number of Oblates who are supporting these students.  I would like to appeal for some additional support.  The costs for 2017 have increased from 2016.  In addition, Sr Catherine (our contact in Uganda) has identified a potential third student.  They would start in Septemeber 2017.  It would be good if we could support all three.  The commitment would be £10-20 standing order per month per person.

Please pray for Josaphat and Charles.  I will leave the last word to Josaphat (from his Christmas letter), "Please believe me that I will always value the love you show me especially I cannot thank you enough but all I can say, you have been so GOOD to me and I am grateful.  I will continue to pray that God walks with you through the joys and sorrows that may come your way".

For more information please contact: Campbell Murdoch, Fircroft, Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4JT.  Tel: 07810 350006 or email: jcmurdoch@yahoo.co.uk

 “Jesus himself came up and walked by their side; but something prevented them from recognising Him.” Jn 24.15

May the Lord accompany us!     

With blessings ,

In the love of Christ,

                                                Fr. Martin

Our Lady of Pluscarden Pray for us.