
Homily for Sunday 17C, 28 July 2019: Genesis 18:20-32; Luke 11:1-13

In our first reading today we heard the Genesis account of Abraham’s intercession for the City of Sodom. And in the Gospel we heard Jesus teaching his disciples about prayer, especially by giving them the Lord’s Prayer. I should like now to put the two readings together. For convenience though, I take the…

Homily given at Quarr Abbey, Wednesday 17 July by the Prior of Pluscarden

We began our Mass today with a very fine Introit, set in the Third mode. This is the “tonus iratus” – the angry mode – or the anguished mode – or the mode of heightened emotion. Dum clamarem ad Dominum exaudivit vocem meam – When I cried to the Lord he heard my voice; he saved me from those who surrounded me. The text is from…

The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden 2019, with homily

According to annual custom, Bishop Hugh led a Pilgrimage of the Aberdeen Diocese to Pluscarden on Sunday 30 July. This year in Scotland that day was kept as the transferred Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul. As last year, our Pilgrimage congregation was much enlivened by the…

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, the Solemnity of the Ascension Year C, 30 May 2019

St. Luke gives us two accounts of the Ascension: one at the end of his Gospel, and one at the beginning of Acts. The account of the Ascension in Acts parallels rather closely St. Luke’s account of Easter Morning at the empty tomb. That is: in both of these accounts, Angelic messengers speak to disciples who are…